Geranium essential oil was used by the Egyptians to promote beautiful, radiant-looking skin. Today, this potent oil is often used in high-end perfumes and skin care products. Cultivated from the fragrant flower native to South Africa and obtained through a careful distillation process,
Geranium- deodorize, relieve stress and anxiety, mood lifting. Cleanses the skin.Treatment for loose, clogged pores and oily skin. It cleanses the skin, has a deep purification and astringent effect, balances skin secretion, analgesic and antibacterial, treatment for scars, enhances skin cell defense function.
Has a sweet, floral fragrance that can be used aromatically and topically
May help maintain the appearance of healthy, youthful-looking skin
Includes the naturally occurring constituents citronellol and geraniol
Helps promote healthy, radiant-looking hair
May help cleanse the skin
Diffuse Geranium in your home or office for a pleasant, uplifting aroma.
Add Geranium to a neutral skin moisturiser and apply it morning and night to enhance the appearance of healthy-looking skin.
Combine it with oils like Lavender and Ylang Ylang to blend in a hot bath. The aromatic blend of floral and sweet smells creates a peaceful, private getaway.
Add Geranium to your skin regimen to help cleanse your skin.
Mix it with your favorite Young Living shampoo to help promote healthy, radiant-looking hair.